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Midjourney constitutes an independent research laboratory, harnesses AI, design, and human imagination to redefine and improve the process of creation. Helmed by experts from notable organizations, their dual prowess in technical innovation and artistry promises a synergy set to revolutionize how we conceptualize and create. From generating realistic cityscapes to immersive virtual reality, Midjourney defies the ordinary, breathing life into visions far beyond traditional reaches. It's a haven for artists seeking unexplored inspiration, researchers probing the AI-design nexus, and innovators chasing AI's transformative potential. With Midjourney, the journey towards boundless creativity is as captivating as the destination. Discover a world where technology and imagination intertwines, and let Midjourney guide your exploration of these untapped realms. Their work is an ode to the human spirit—an affirmation of our unending quest for innovation and beauty.
on 22 February
Works made by Midjourney
3 works uploaded
it may be the effective way to use Discord to achieve outcomes for free plans, but for premium plans, a separate UI with a more useful skill set is needed. same is true for commands and modifiers that use prompt parameters.
we can make gorgeous photograph without the time-consuming manual design effort or the expense of pricey programs like photoshop. It's a game changer for those like myself who want to easily add aesthetically appealing photos to their work.
what I enjoy best about this ai is that I can generate any quality picture just by writing a brief sentence, in seconds without having to wait too long, without having to go through tedious processes, just by typing a few lines and that's it. i believe that using AI to make photos is the greatest solution.
we have DaLLE, SD 1.5, 2.1, and so on, but the common agreement is that Midjourney is the best right now. Despite the stuck in discord scenario, their improvements in rapid engineering, the technique to fine-tune styles, and so on are unparalleled. SDXL might potentially transform the game, but that remains to be seen. And the control-net wizardry is only available on Automatic1111's webui.
there is some learning involved, but there are so many free materials accessible now that a fast Google search will provide you with all you need. The main issue is that all photos are generated at 72dpi, which is acceptable for online but requires considerable cleanup to get a print-ready 300dpi image. i'd like to see greater resolution provided as a premium account option.