Pop2Piano emerges as a groundbreaking symphony in the realm of AI-driven musical creativity. Born out of the quest to automate the enchanting art of crafting piano covers for pop music, Pop2Piano stands as a pioneer in an understudied domain. At its core lies a Transformer network, a digital maestro capable of translating pop audio waveforms into mesmerizing piano covers. What sets Pop2Piano apart is its ability to navigate uncharted territory. Unlike its predecessors, it forges piano covers without relying on conventional melody and chord extraction modules. Instead, it harnesses the power of a meticulously curated dataset, a synchronized dance of {Pop, Piano Cover} pairs created through an ingenious automated pipeline. In the grand symphony of AI innovation, Pop2Piano takes center stage, showcasing its prowess in generating plausible piano covers directly from pop audio. Step into a world where melodies morph seamlessly into piano keys, courtesy of Pop2Piano – a musical alchemist of the digital age.
on 13 April
Works made by Pop2Piano
1 works uploaded