
Amazon joins generative AI race, targets tech at cloud customers

Amazon joins the AI race.

Amazon joins the AI race, launched by Microsoft Corp. and Google and announces the cloud solution for its customers and a marketplace for AI tools for other enterprises. 

In particular, Amazon is launching its own large-language models, one - for text generation and the other - for web search personalization. There will be no launch for the chatbot release, which is similar to the ones by Microsoft and Google. 

Titan, Amazon’s language models have been trained on loads of text for content summary, draft production of a blog post and participation in open-ended questions or Q&A sessions. Those will be available on AWS marketplace, which is called Bedrock, a place where software engineers will be able to use other companies’ models.

Generative AI can design text, images or video, considering a user’s material. It drew attention from Silicon Valley and started fierce competition to profit off the technology. It is widely believed by the market participants that generative AI will change the types of tasks, executed by software.

A market participant says, that large-language models had been a long work in process for Amazon. They are already in use for the shoppers’ assistance to locate product on the Amazon’s retail website and increase the capacity of the Alexa voice help, for instance.

Yasmin Anderson

AI Catalog's chief editor

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