
What is AI Capability Control & Why Does it Matter?

How to control AI.

Artificial Intelligence or AI has gained a lot of publicity lately due to upgrades in machine learning and deep learning algorithms. This led to the proliferation of systems like ChatGpt, Dall-e, that impacted our daily lives greatly. Therefore, the issue of AI control has been on the rise. It is important to manage it to make sure AI runs safely and responsibly.

Clear definitions and boundaries setting: Companies are to create crystal clear goals for the AI algorithms in place and set borders to protect from potential misuse. It is important to point out, which data the system has access to, operations it can do and the decisions it can make.

AI systems need to be regularly examined for possible issues. Things like AI performance, accuracy, rationality and general behavior need to be looked at to make sure they correspond to the intended goals and guidelines. 

AI systems must use priority levels for data safety through data coding, access control, mandatory security audits. 

AI culture should be fostered within organization for effective AI implementation to take effect. It means regular training, and presence of awareness programs and ethics team for appropriate products and initiatives.

Communication with industry experts, regulators and customers gives invaluable feedback regarding potential issues and appropriate AI-related security control.

Companies need to establish clear policies for their AI control, guidance for information usage, storage, privacy, responsibility. Those are also to be updated regularly considering regulations, and industry standards. 

This may include measures like peer reviews, audits, and third-party assessments, as well as establishing clear lines of responsibility for AI-related decisions and actions.

Accountability needs to be in place to make sure AI systems and their developers follow the existing guidelines. This leads to implementation of audits, third-party assessments and scenarios for AI decisions and courses of action.

Yasmin Anderson

AI Catalog's chief editor

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