
AI and cyberthreats

Not only can behavioral AI help understaffed security teams to stay on top of security issues, but it also can monitor employee’s demeanor and spot samples.

AI offense must be opposed by AI defense. AI is famous for enabling automated policing, that can effectively treat malware. The next step forward is behavioral AI, that literally studies behaviors of AI systems, just like social sciences learn about humans. The benefit of that is there is no need to draw human or security regulations for instructions.

Cyber attacks become more challenging, and AI comes in handy in security understaffed situations. It’s estimated that the data’s violation price in UK companies is worth a few million pounds a year. Since it’s a lof of money, many companies need to pay attention to cyber technologies. AI is particularly important, when employees are on vacation or are away from work. Situations like that present great security risks, because cyber criminals can start phishing or social engineering attacks. Once in the organization, the criminals may stay passive for a long time, while observing, what’s happens in the company.        

It is important to take care of all elements of cybersecurity - network, cloud; individual behavior also matters. Due to advances in innovation, digital identification, automation may help to provide management with security supervision, deadlines, enhance response times, alert enterprise of potential challenges. This is important, when staff is not fully present. Cases-based manuals, with a good mixture of technology and process can identify and independently respond to suspicious events. 

How it works with AI systems.

Up until recently, entry codes, signatures, identity numbers have been used. Current AI systems identify threats based on threats’ behaviors, react faster and more efficiently. 

his means any unusual behaviour is identified immediately and brought to the attention of the relevant department or personnel quickly. 

AI can monitor behaviors of individual departments, employees and outline irregularities real-time. In the past, the security risks were classified as low, medium or high with the the security personnel reacting accordingly. The issue with this is the risk of missing out on something big in early stages. AI-behavior based system look into low-level activities and identify the moment, when to upgrade or reprioritise the caution level. That way, suspicious activity gets identified immediately and reported to the supervisors. 

Constant supervision

The problem of applying the right AI principles may cause an issue. There is a good chance that many organizations will desire other companies to hand it. By doing so, they will be collaborating with the experts from the area for obtaining best possible guidance. It’s crucial to be on top of the latest in cyber strategies, since necessary specialists might not be available.        

Yasmin Anderson

AI Catalog's chief editor

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