
Clearview.ai used by US Police about 1m times

Facial recognition tool Clearview AI has revealed that it reached almost a million searches from US Police.

Facial recognition technology remains an urgent and controversial topic (for a good reason). Artificial Intelligence tools allow law enforcement to upload photos of suspicious faces and find matches in collected databases.

In an interview to BBC the creator of Clearview.ai Hoan Ton said that the firm used 30 billion images from social media platforms such as Facebook. The images were collected without users’ permission. Clearview AI has been repeatedly fined in Australia and Europe for million dollars by violating the law of privacy, but still used by US police as a powerful source.

However, while the UK police is trying to persuade people that using facial recognition AI can prevent serious and violent crimes, Miami Police confirmed that it uses Clearview AI for every type of crime. Miami Chief of Police Armando Aguilar said that his team uses Clearview.ai about 450 times a year and it is helping to solve murders.

There are numerous documented cases of misidentification by police using facial recognition systems. For example, Robert Williams was wrongfully arrested in front of his family and spent the night in jail.

The lack of truth around police use of facial recognition tools means that the real number of wrongfully arrested people is much higher. Civil rights activists want police officers to be fully open about using Clearview AI.

Yasmin Anderson

AI Catalog's chief editor

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