
AI Can Now Crack Most Passwords in Less Than a Minute

AI cracking passwords momentarily.

Cybersecurity experts have been warning us for years to use strong passwords online. Those people who actually use strong passwords will be disappointed: specialists from Home Security Heroes fed a number of millions of passwords to AI to see, how long it will take for it to crack them. Most passwords have been hacked in less than a minute. 

Home Security Heroes used PassGan password generator for this trial, because it utilizes Generative Adversarial Network, or GAN for learning about real passwords and making new ones. GAN consists of neural networks, a generator (creates fake data) and a discriminator (picks out real data from fake). The generator and discriminator then are trained to be effective at what they do. 

PassGAN was given around 16 million passwords from the already hacked RockYou, which is used now for security research. The test never included passwords longer than 18 characters and less than four. According to Home Security Heroes, AI hacked most of those passwords in less than a minute. People, who are attentive to the warnings, got their passwords cracked extremely hard. PassGan’s result was 65% of decoded passwords.

To make sure your password is safe, it needs to be at least 15 characters long, combinations of upper and lower cases, numbers and special characters. Also, frequent change of passwords is required. So, complexity of passwords is key up until the moment technological giants discover something else.

Yasmin Anderson

AI Catalog's chief editor

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