
AI can predict, if women with breast cancer could benefit from chemography before surgery.

AI can predict, if women with breast cancer could benefit from chemography before surgery.

The new AI system, integral to the open-source Cancer-Net initiative, run by Dr. Alexander Wong, could assist improper persons refrain from dealing with serious sides of chemotherapy and lead the way for better surgical outcomes for those who fit.

Wong invented image resonance modality, made with images of breast cancer, which AI was trained on. The project is called CDI (correlated diffusion imaging).

The old breast cancer cases and information on their outcomes, taken from the CDI images helps AI to predict, whether pre-operative chemography treatment could benefit new patients, considering their CDI images.

Presurgical treatment (neoadjuvant chemography) may downsize tumors to make operation possible (easier) and cut the need for major surgery like masectomies.

Dr. Wong is optimistic about fusion with AI, since there’s a potential to monitor and unleash samples, that show, if a patient will benefit from a particular treatment.

The Cancer-Net initiative makes the brand-new AI technology and the whole dataset of CDI imaging of breast cancer public.

Yasmin Anderson

AI Catalog's chief editor

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