
AI-powered dance animator applies generative AI to choreography

AI and choreography

The scholars invented an AI-algorithm capable of choreographing human disco that would go well with any melody. The algorithm is called Editable Dance GEneration.

The program showcases that the AI-based personalities may give a musical and artistic element, not before seen, they say.

The main feature of the program is editability, which allows to correct any chunk of the dancing part.

It is believed that the program will assist the dance instructors to make arrangements and hand their thoughts to actual dancers through creating 3D dance arrangements. In particular, an artisan can create certain leg movements of a persona and AI will complete the rest of the moves as humanly believable as it can.

The program is an advanced way of carrying out dancing ideas and action planning. In upcoming time, the program will enable people to use melodies and will allow to showcase their moves on camera.

It’s fun and immersive for everybody to outright themselves via moves and use imagination, experts say.

They say, it’s a breakthrough, since the AI can make fascinating dancing to anu kind of music. It opens up new ways for expression and physical involvement.

The new program will be presented to public in June in BC, Canada.

Yasmin Anderson

AI Catalog's chief editor

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