
Artificial Intelligence Leading the US Military?

AI became a subject of great curiosity in the defense industry area. AI appears promising for efficient military decisions, cutting human casualties and increasing combat effect, and, quite possibly, reconstructing military organization. This is very true of situations, when critical decisions are to be made fast.


The military innovation department, called the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, is looking into annoying issues, outlined above and is eager to delegate some of those to AI. They say, the agency wants to establish a way that would help to decide quickly in intense situations, based on algorithms and data, assuring that possible human bias would lead to considerable life loss.

What’s in AI for the military?

AI is becoming a factor in combat. Therefore, the US and other countries are working on a number of applications for a load of military functions. 

The first AI for the military dates back to 2019. Since then a few AI systems for defense purposes and combat have been worked on. It’s a fact that AI can run large amounts of data better than traditional systems. Since AI is good at decision-making, it positively influences combat systems’ self-regulation, control, self-assessment.

Artificial intelligence is used by most military applications, and they expect that more money spent on research and development from military institutions will create brand new usage of AI, leading to increased use of AI in the military. Could the fathers of AI predict it? 

The AI’s market worth in the military is expected to be around 13.71 bill USD by 2028. Why is the figure so huge?

Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence

AI in the military. Ways of using:

Threat detection

Battlefields with threat detection are very dangerous. AI has the potential to ease some of those threats. The American army uses so-called aided threat recognition, developed by Mobile Corporative and Autonomous Sensors. 

It helps soldiers to see hazards more efficiently and they receive guidance, how to proceed. Smart sensors are on the military aircrafts and transport. This kind of operation is wide-spread in the military.


Training is common in the military. It is important for the soldiers and those who are with them on a mission.

A military pilot finished a program of AI training, that provides content and evaluates progress. The result was a 40% decrease in time required to complete the task.

AI can potentially eliminate the presence of textbook learners, which means immediately reflecting updates to the material by distributors as opposed to syllabus information on tablets. 

Boosts recruitment

AI can be a substitute for conventional promotion , bringing qualified candidates to the army doorstep.

Reduces the need for human labor

AI reduces the number of people involved in manufacturing and agriculture.

Improved Cybersecurity

Once a cyber attack occurs, employees should turn off their computers and make use of pen and paper till the issue is solved by the technical team. Imagine the consequences, should something like that occur with military technology.

The US army recently asked for research for AI-powered cybersecurity engineering that would protect staff and communication networks. It’s a big instance of AI use in the military. 


Wars of the 21-centuries evolutionize the military, however as the market evolves as a result of technological advancements, innovations are expected to rise to the challenges. 

AI has lead to many advances in defense-related areas such as target definition, cybersecurity, RADAR and SONAR systems. It is unlikely for a machine to replace humans in aspects, when human interaction is critical. There’s competition worldwide for the unraveling powerhouse of AI in the military.

Yasmin Anderson

AI Catalog's chief editor

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