
Snapchat making AI chatbot similar to ChatGPT available to every user

MyAI will be available to subscribers

During its annual developer conference, Snapchat declared the release of its GPT-fueled AI chatbot to every user free of cost as it endeavours to create a unique identity amidst heavyweights such as Instagram and TikTok.

The move entails enhancing the availability of its AI chatbot, emphasising the difference between shared and private posts and compensating triumphant creators with a portion of the revenue engendered by their viral content. 

Snap's Vice President of Product, Jack Brody, stated, "It expands our capability to fulfil our goal of enabling people to express themselves, acquire knowledge about the world, revel in the present and enjoy each other's company."

In addition, members can include My AI in their group chats, directing any questions that arise during the conversation to the virtual assistant. Brody mentioned that paying members would also have the option to send photos to their AI assistants and receive images entirely created by AI in return.

Moreover, he stated, "The concept is that you snap My AI, and it can snap you back. Initially, the experiences are mainly entertaining and enjoyable to test. However, there are possibilities to make it a helpful feature as well. One of the interesting things is sending it some ingredients and getting a recipe in response."

Yasmin Anderson

AI Catalog's chief editor

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